Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds
Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Dehydration of Alcohols, Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds, Chlorination of Methane, Polymerisation of Alkenes, Controlled Oxidation of Alkanes and, Laboratory Preparation of Methane
Important Questions on Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds
Write with equation the chemical reaction between Ethane and Bromine.
Write the reaction between ethylene and iodine monochloride.
What are organic catalyst?
The reaction between _________and Baeyer’s reagent gives ethylene glycol.
Alkaline 1% solution is _____ colour. When ethylene is passed through this solution the colour is discharged.
The 1% alkaline solution is known as Baeyer's reagent.
Bayer's reagent is used in the laboratory for:
Give a chemical test to identify ethylene.
Acetylene reacts with bromine in the presence of :
Complete the following reaction
Give any two chemical properties of acetylene?
Acetylene reacts with bromine in the presence of solution.
Acetylene is a colourless gas.
Acetylene is soluble in water.
The density of acetylene is higher than air.
Write any two physical properties of acetylene?
Alkenes undergo hydrogenation and get converted to _____.
Ethane undergoes substitution reaction but not addition reaction.
is an example of
Which of the following will undergo addition reaction?